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Make Me A MetaLearner
#1 Welcome to the Course (2:08)
#2 About Your Instructor (2:43)
#3 What is A MetaLearner? (2:36)
#4 Can You Really Learn Anything? (1:05)
#5 What is Skill Acquisition? (1:34)
#6 The Different Types of Skills (1:36)
#7 The MetaLearn Methodâ„¢ (2:44)
#8 How To Use The Course (0:51)
#9 Let Me Make You a MetaLearner (0:25)
#1 Section 1 Intro (1:16)
#2 Skill Investing (3:00)
#3 Exercise - Personal Inventory (4:08)
#4 Learn One Skill (3:33)
#5 Exercise - Brainstorming Skills (1:11)
#6 Choose Your Skill (2:15)
#7 Select Your Skill (1:49)
#8 Set an Achievable Goal (1:49)
#9 Visualise To Actualise (1:59)
#10 Mental Contrasting (3:38)
#11 Section Recap (0:50)
#12 Exercise - Identify Your Learning Preferences (2:45)
#13 Understanding Your Brain (5:35)
#14 MetaLearning Strategies (1:38)
#15 Spaced Repetition (1:10)
#16 Mixed Practice (1:06)
#17 Elaboration (1:12)
#18 Reflection (1:05)
#19 Calibration (1:08)
#20 Section 1 Summary (1:03)
#1 Section 2 Intro (1:26)
#2 Take Your First Step (1:35)
#3 How to Do Good Research (1:17)
#4 The Principles of Information Research (4:23)
#5 How To Use Google Properly (4:35)
#6 Using Lindy's Law (2:04)
#7 Using Immersion in Self-Education (2:04)
#8 Why Some Skills Don't Require Education (0:46)
#9 Focus on a Few Key Resources (1:10)
#10 How To Choose the Best Resources (5:48)
#11 The Different Types of Reading (3:31)
#12 Speed Reading - When and How To Use It (2:46)
#13 How To Listen and Watch Better (2:01)
#14 How To Improve Your Listening (2:36)
#15 Research Your New Skill (1:32)
#16 Deconstructing Your Skill (2:58)
#17 Sequencing Your Skill (3:16)
#18 Gather Essential Resources (2:13)
#19 Section 2 Summary (1:00)
#1 Section 3 Intro (0:36)
#2 Introduction to Notetaking (0:38)
#3 Why You Should Take Notes (8:15)
#4 How To Annotate Books (3:05)
#5 Introduction To Memory (2:33)
#6 The Principles of Better Memory (4:26)
#7 The Most Effective Memory Techniques (4:05)
#8 Can you Become a Memory Master? (5:14)
#9 Managing Your Time, Energy & Attention (0:39)
#10 The Zeigarnik Effect (2:57)
#11 The Focused and Diffuse Modes of Thinking (2:30)
#12 Taking Incubation Breaks to Get Insights (2:05)
#13 Building Organisation Systems (5:42)
#14 Section 3 Summary (0:54)
#1 Section 4 Intro (0:31)
#2 The Importance of Learning Projects (3:39)
#3 Building a Knowledge Base (0:54)
#4 Teaching to Learn (3:08)
#5 Dealing with Creative Resistance (1:55)
#6 Creating an Action Blueprint (8:33)
#7 Using a Learning Journal (1:24)
#8 How to Build Learning Habits (2:25)
#9 How to Build a Learning Station (2:18)
#10 Don't Stress About Being Tidy (2:10)
#11 The Emotional Side of Learning (2:33)
#12 Mental Contrasting Recap (0:48)
#13 Dealing with the Main Learning Challenges (3:24)
#14 The Importance of Play (2:16)
#15 How to Gamify Your Learning (2:56)
#16 How to Get into Flow (1:47)
#17 Section 4 Summary (1:02)
#1 Section 5 Intro (0:42)
#2 The Role of Community (3:35)
#3 The Power of Community (1:33)
#4 The Zone of Proximal Development (1:26)
#5 Where To Find Communities (2:53)
#6 Managing Self Comparison (2:14)
#7 Using Competition & Stakes (2:43)
#8 Teachers and Mentors (3:56)
#9 The Expert Matrix (0:41)
#10 Where To Find Teachers and Mentors (1:31)
#11 How to Learn from Experts (2:46)
#12 The Learning Mindset (2:19)
#13 The Limits of the Growth Mindset (2:05)
#14 A Tale of Two Learners (4:30)
#15 How to Detach from the Outcome (1:45)
#16 Finding Your Golden Mean (1:21)
#17 Finding Balance in Learning (1:44)
#18 There is No Secret Ingredient (3:23)
#19 Personal Mastery (4:29)
#20 Section 5 Summary (1:59)
#1 How do I invest in the right skills? (1:13)
#2 Is money the only Return on Investment I should be thinking about? (0:41)
#3 How can I fit learning into my already busy life? (1:36)
#4 How do you identify learning preferences from past experience? (1:32)
#5 How do I apply the MetaLearning Principles in practice (1:20)
#6 What can I do to assess my learning type? (1:40)
#7 What are some of the most common research mistakes? (2:26)
#8 What exactly is Just-In-Time Learning and how can it help me? (1:19)
#9 What are the most common reading mistakes people make? (1:05)
#10 What's the Socratic Method and how can it help me learn faster? (2:11)
#11 How can I deconstruct skills effectively? (1:46)
#12 What exactly is sequencing and how does it follow deconstruction (2:19)
#13 What are your tips for keeping a learning journal? (3:05)
#14 What's the difference between taking a diffuse mode break and being lazy? (0:43)
#15 What separates a good learning project from a bad one? (1:23)
#16 Why is starting a blog a great learning project? (1:04)
#17 Why is quantity so important at the start of learning something new? (1:13)
#18 How can I tell the difference between constructive and destructive struggle? (1:37)
#19 How can I tell if my practice is high quality? (1:11)
#20 How has joining communities helped you personally? (1:59)
#21 What is the Zone of Proximal Development? (1:18)
#22 What kinds of feedback should you be looking for? (1:19)
#23 What are some good questions to ask experts? (1:36)
#24 How do I find the sweet spot when it comes to my goal setting? (1:17)
#6 The Principles of Better Memory
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